This video is a talk through some straight forward techniques you can use to calm your body and mind at home or on the go. They are very usable, quick and subtle, suitable for adults, children and adolescents. The images below are my recent article in The Professional Mountaineer (second of a three part series), it is connected to the above video.
There is a new date for my training at BAAT, which introduces Art Therapists to EMDR psychotherapy.
January 2021 and October 2021 were both online and fully booked, so we added May 2021 as another online day. I am keeping it as close to an in person workshop as possible, hence a cap of 26 people and a request that cameras are on so we can work as a group. Link here: There is an online supervision group for EMDR / Art Psychotherapists that I run fortnightly, which has space for another member. This has been running for nearly two years and is the first of it's kind. Email for more information or to book an individual supervision session with the potential to join the group. Some voice recordings I made during the first lockdown in the U.K. and shared on soundcloud are heading over to youtube. Though I'm putting moving image with them, they can still be listed to as short podcasts. I aim to add them fortnightly-ish and possibly create more throughout 2021. The first is Rational Positivity. The second is Body Gratitude Next, 'Four Elements' relaxation exercise From Feb 21st at 6pm GMT Safe / Special / Calm place will be available. Then we have container exercise and I'm also putting together some relaxation exercises and coping strategies for you. I hope you enjoy these and find them useful. Lovely to receive some photos of my article for The Professional Mountaineer today.
The timing was incredible, having recently cancelled tickets home for Christmas, this article popped up. |
SA&T blogSA&T's Social Art & Therapy initiatives have existed since 2012 via Lee Simmons. Archives
February 2024