Okey dokey.
Happy New Year.
Groups of three or more volunteers working with refugees are welcome to a free workshop at the SA&T studio, do get in touch to enquire.
Our beloved cafe is closing! But, The Reach climbing gym (next door) has a great cafe, so I guess that will be the waiting room from February onwards. It's a friendly and motivating spot.
I was going to have comments open from 1st January onwards, but after opening comments on my artwork site over the Christmas break, I don't think it's a good use of time. Some people have written nonsense! I can only request clarification, and fear that will also be quite bizarre. I will reply to tweets, and emails.
SA&T has a twitter account at socialarttherap
Happy New Year.
Groups of three or more volunteers working with refugees are welcome to a free workshop at the SA&T studio, do get in touch to enquire.
Our beloved cafe is closing! But, The Reach climbing gym (next door) has a great cafe, so I guess that will be the waiting room from February onwards. It's a friendly and motivating spot.
I was going to have comments open from 1st January onwards, but after opening comments on my artwork site over the Christmas break, I don't think it's a good use of time. Some people have written nonsense! I can only request clarification, and fear that will also be quite bizarre. I will reply to tweets, and emails.
SA&T has a twitter account at socialarttherap